Hi love,

I’m Hanna Lena,
the Sourceress.

I am here to help you heal past (life) wounds, embody your True Self and calibrate to your highest timeline.

Let’s dive deep to rise high!

My gift to you:

The old way of hustle and force doesn’t serve you anymore and you desire to reach your goals while living in flow and finding pleasure in the up’s and down’s of life. Welcome to the Power of Feminine Manifesting. If it’s the next level in your relationship, business, or awakening - transformation and growth can happen in love, joy and peace. This free masterclass + workbook will help you turn your fears into fuel to reach your goal in flow as you sync with the natural cycles of Life.

You are Source.
All you seek is first found within.

Hi love,

How are you feeling being a god/dess incarnated in human form? Are you playing full out with your co-creation power? Do you know how supported and guided you are by your spirit team on the daily? Are you living in sacred polarity with your partner, knowing you are god and goddess experiencing themselves through each other?

For the past 10 years, since my first out-of-body experience, I’ve extensively researched and worked with the astral realm and higher beings beyond the veil; with my unique education in astro-psychology and astral-hypnotherapy, I’ve been guiding countless clients to access their power within, embody their True Self who is connected to Source and divinely guided so that they get to lead their life, family and business in alignment with their soul mission to manifest their highest timeline.

I’m so happy you’ve been guided here. It’s no coincidence that you’re reading this. As you explore this site, you’ll find different inspirations that will allow us to merge energies and dive deep to rise high together - from free workshops and podcasts to masterminds, membership and 1-on-1 mentorship.

Either way, let’s stay connected.

In your highest service,

Source Code Session

This is for you, if you want to dive deeper into your astrological natal chart and harness the power of your unique archetypes and the season you’re currently in so you can live with less stress and more flow. Also available for relationships, solar return, and business. 60 min on Zoom.

REBIRTH 1-on-1 Mentorship

My 9 month signature offer that transforms your life and guides you into the manifestation of your highest timeline. You come out feeling empowered, at peace and in love with who you truly are on the deepest level. Book your call below if you’re ready for a rebirth!

Soul Medicine Session

This is for you, if you’ve been feeling stuck and are looking to access deep guidance and healing within yourself that will give you the confidence and courage to step into this next chapter in your life. 90min on Zoom.

what my clients say

Shoshanna Raven | Business Mentor

Lucy | Reiki Master

LeAnne | Fashion Blogger

Candace Campbell | Sacred Empowerment Guide

Macarena | Dentist

Caroline | Video Director + Storytelling Doula

“I was looking for insight into my soul’s purpose and felt lost in a life that did not seem to bring me happiness or meaning. Hanna provided me with a spiritual blueprint based on my unique astrology and gave me a road map with which to embark on my spiritual quest. She is a chosen vessel and through her beautiful, loving heart inspires her clients to let go of fears and take the leap to manifest their dreams.”

Allison | Medical Speech Pathologist

“Hypnosis was the missing piece for me, and Hanna was the perfect guide. Through her unique REBIRTH process, she helped me heal past traumas, increase my confidence, and step into my life's purpose. She has a strong expertise in astrology, and I appreciate the extra care and time she would take to explain my chart. Our sessions were very focused, and she created a lot of space to coach me. I'm forever grateful to her for helping me level up and rediscover myself!”

Christine | Audio Visual Artist

“The REBIRTH was exactly what I needed.
I dug deep within myself and traveled to places I never knew existed. Hanna is an amazing soul, very caring and loving. She held space for me and my thoughts so perfectly. My biggest takeaway was the trust in myself and my intuition. I found myself and my calling.”

Gundega | Transformation Alchemy Coach

“Working with Hanna has been pure magic. I came to her in the depths of grief, having lost my sister a few months prior. My anger and sadness was seeping into my relationships, and I needed help navigating out of the turmoil. After the REBIRTH, I’ve emerged as a new person, embodying my purpose and receiving guidance from my sister beyond the veil. Life has opened up for me again. Hanna’s program is dynamic and integrated, infusing astrology, hypnosis, dream interpretation, and astral travel (amongst other modalities) all within the safe container of each session. Her guidance is otherworldly. Amazing investment!”

Christina | Creator of the Realm of Being

Let’s connect!

As the Sourceress, I am here to assist you on your journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Whether you have a question, want to book a session, or want to inquire about a podcast interview or speaking gig, please reach out. I look forward to connecting with you!